Intellectual Freedom in Wicca: Celebrating Diverse Literary Choices

As a spiritual path, Wicca fosters a genuine climate of intellectual liberty. Witches honor and respect one another’s freedom, which includes the fundamental freedom to choose what you want to read. There will never be a Wiccan equivalent to the notorious list of forbidden books by the Roman Catholic Church. In the Craft, nobody has … Read more

Wheel of the Year

In ancient times, human beings used to keep track of time based on the various natural phenomena and festivals they celebrated during that time. Wiccans are no different from early human beings, so they have various yearly celebrations and festivals. These festivals are known as Sabbats, and their number varies from one group to another. … Read more

Tradition and Wicca

Tradition is much bigger a word than ordinary people understand. If you consult the dictionary, you will come across the meaning of the tradition that has been going on for a long time and hasn’t changed much. The meaning of the word changes depending on the situation and the context. In different contexts, the significance … Read more

The origins of Wicca

During the 16th and 17th centuries, phenomena called “witch hunts” took place in different European countries and America. During this time, somewhere between 40,000 to 100,000 were ruthlessly killed, allegedly for being a witch or evil. These people were executed as they had some strange rituals and religious beliefs. Then, people of Europe and America … Read more

The Divinity in Wicca

According to Wiccan perception, the theory of divinity is generally theistic. The existence of God and Goddess is very distinct in the Wiccan philosophy. Basically, Wiccans are polytheists, and they believe in several deities, resembling the Pagan philosophy. However, the perception of God and Goddess varies a lot. Some see God as having an actual … Read more

Wiccan Ritual Practices

Like any other religion, the Wiccans perform various rituals. These rituals are used for sabbats, worship, or magick. From ancient times, a solid relationship between these ritualistic performances and the moon’s position can be observed. Wiccans also depend very much on the moon. Most of the rituals take place on a full moon and sometimes … Read more

Wiccan Rites of Passage

If you are interested in learning about rites of passage, you must delve deeper to retrieve as much information as possible. Among the various rites of passage observed by Wicca, the most important one is definitely initiation. You are not wrong if all these seem like a nice and complicated riddle. You cannot hope to … Read more

Wicca religion and beliefs

The world consists of various religions and various religious ideas. It is quite hilarious that the God of one religion turns into a devil in another. One religion considers Goddesses as the equal or complementary part of the universe. While another believes that the goddess does not exist. Wiccans have their unique theology. Wiccan has … Read more