Tradition and Wicca

Tradition is much bigger a word than ordinary people understand. If you consult the dictionary, you will come across the meaning of the tradition that has been going on for a long time and hasn’t changed much. The meaning of the word changes depending on the situation and the context. In different contexts, the significance of the meaning gets altered. For instance, the meaning of tradition in a regular context and a religious context is not the same. Though the meaning is almost the same from the surface, the difference is there in the impact and significance of the meaning.

So, when the word tradition is used in the context of Wicca, it has a completely new significance and influence. Initially, the word used to mean the passing of a lineage to the people getting into the first degree or initiation of the craft. Afterward, the same word stands for cultural denomination within the same context. So, in short, tradition has been going on for a long time. It can be a ritual, a special food or dress, or a way of talking. When something goes on year after year, it somehow becomes some rule.

Differences between the crafts and cults

Like any other sect, Wiccans also have their own set of traditions. Still, as there are many differences between the crafts and cults of Wicca and the case of solitary practitioners of the cult, it is a bit tough to decide upon a specific set of traditions. People from different sects will have other traditions and their own opinions about the traditions. In short, it will be a completely chaotic situation. People who become sect members will feel perplexed about the whole thing. So, sorting things out is a time requirement.

The main aim of the various traditions observed and celebrated by the various sects is to trace their origins to different figures of people and Gods. Each sect has its own beliefs, and according to those beliefs, each is correct. Now, the problem is not everyone cannot be the best. Some sects refer themselves to the witches, proving themselves to be different and distinguishable from each other. So, tradition has a completely different significance in the Wiccan context. Understanding it is not easy, but the tradition is really quite a few centuries old.