Wicca Spell to make someone love you immediately

How to cast this spell to make someone love you

Love is a powerful emotion, and it often happens that you cannot make someone else fall in love with you. These are the thoughts and perceptions of the practical people of this world. If you are a believer and are ready to experiment, you will hear other things. There is something called magic in this world, and to believers, it is a powerful medium that can make things work. If you want to make someone fall in love with you, the way is Wiccan spells. When you are ready to experiment with various things, you must remember that even magic cannot make someone fall for another, but the spells can strengthen that and open the ways if there is a little interest.

What you need to cast this spell

  • 1 wine glass
  • 1 ring
  • red silk ribbon

Success with the love ritual

You will need a wine glass, a lengthy piece of red silk ribbon, and a ring to perform this ritual successfully. If you want to perform it traditionally, you must use your mother’s wedding band. You have to set the glass on the table and suspend the ring from one end of the ribbon. The ribbon should be held between your thumb and forefinger. Then, you will suspend the ribbon and the ring in the air on the mouth of the glass.

Initially, you have to try to make the ring remain still. In the next stage, you will start chanting your name, followed by the name of the person you desire. The name of that person should be chanted three times in a row. This will continue for a while, and you will swing the ribbon like a pendulum.

All the while, you will let the ring swing and think about the person. Finally, you should let the ring chink with the glass with each of the letters in the name. All this while, your elbow will be resting on the table. After the ritual, you must tie the ribbon around your neck and let the ring fall on your chest just over your heart. You must wear it for three weeks and repeat the ritual every Friday.

After those three weeks, if something truly exists between you, the person you are craving will come to you. Your desire will come true only if you believe in it because trust and belief have a power that can make anything happen. If you have decided to use magick, you should do that with complete belief and involvement.

Get my love back spell immediate results

A love spell can create wonders. It can reunite lost love, draw your soulmate to you, or get your ex-lover back. Even if your lover is trying to cheat on you (because he is under a spell from someone else), a love spell can help you!

If you have in mind to get my love back spell immediate results, then a voodoo love spell would be the best option for you. Voodoo or Voudo or Vondon is a religion practiced by a scarce community mostly found in African countries, but it can also be traced to European and Western countries. A learned houngan or priestess would know exactly which loa to summon before a love spell to “get a lover back” could be performed.

Offerings to the Loa

Ritual is a crucial part of the voodoo religion, as it is believed that by following a ritual and giving offerings to the loa (Loa are different forms of spirits or souls), a houngan can get the strength needed to cast the most perfect spells. It is also believed that the spell alone and the force of a loa make it possible for a spell to give out desired results.

Finding a good houngan is difficult as the community that practices voodoo magic is scarce and is almost hidden. A houngan would generally live a normal life and could be anyone in public, but his natural powers can only be witnessed once a houngan casts a spell. Today, Google and the internet have made it much easier to locate them.

Finding a voodoo spell caster if Wicca isn’t enough

As time passes, many voodoo believers have come into the limelight with the sole intention of helping others and helping those in need. Because voodoo magic was actually practiced for healing, the spells cast by a voodoo practitioner are potent. Since it uses powers of the forces present during the nocturnal time, voodoo magick is also considered black magick. But do not worry – voodoo magick can never hurt anyone, and humans make sure that they cast it for the betterment of society or the person and not to hurt anyone.

With a bit of time spent on an internet search with engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo, you can find many houngans delivering their services online today. So, if you still want to get my love back, spell immediate results, then head over and switch on your internet connection. You will find some over the internet. Make sure you keep your fingers safe from those imposters.

Look to fix up an appointment with a houngan and visit the houngan for a face-to-face discussion, though today many will cast a love spell online, some would also offer free love spells which you can try out.

Try this love spell to get a lover back

Below is a free love spell to get your love back. It has been reported to work in nine out of ten cases, so try it. However, if your problem is complicated, it is always suggested to approach a leaned houngan for casting such spells. As mentioned, please read the details of how to cast the spell, what ingredients are required, and the spell itself.

You would need:

  • one gram of cinnamon and hibiscus powder,
  • an earthen pot
  • and some rose incense granules.
  1. Put everything in the earthen pot and set it on fire when the smoke comes out. The fire is still there; take an A4 size paper and make two hearts interlocking each other with red ink.
  2. Cut out the shape, and on one side, write your name. On the other side, your lover whom you want back in your life.
  3. Fold the paper into ten folds and put it in the fire of the earthen pot.
  4. When the smell of burnt paper, cinnamon, hibiscus, and rose incense granules can be felt, chant the spell below ten times, and in ten days, your lover will return to you.

“Burn those desires that left thy me
Ignite those whose smells may be
Lost in the cloud, your heart may be
I show you light come back to me
I show you light come back to me.”

Once done, you would need to collect the ash from the earthen pot and then hide it in your lover’s garden car or home wherever possible. Make sure no one catches you doing so, and hide it in a place where no one can find it—not even your lost love! If anyone sees the ashes, then the spell will not work, and you have to re-cast it all again.