Laws of Attraction: the power of the mind to win back a lost lover

Question: Why do some people seem to attract anything they want, while others may not even realize their dreams? What is the difference?

We are giant magnets. The law of Attraction says that we are all giant magnets that attract anything into our lives if we focus on it. Law of Attraction does not consider education, talent, economic status, or physical appearance. Though it may seem so to someone who adopts this way, there are no rewards or punishments.

Like gravity, the Law of Attraction works perfectly and impartially at all times, in all situations, for all people. It is always right. We learned about gravity-throwing toys and repeated this several times as kids. The Law of Attraction has worked consistently in our lives, but many do not fully understand it.

Harmony with our dominant vibration

It’s all about vibration. After the Law of Attraction, if you have a thought or a wish, send vibrations in the universe outside of us that magnetically connect us with people and circumstances with similar vibrations. Connecting only with what is in harmony with our dominant vibration is possible. For example, vibrations will attract good health if you expect to feel perfectly healthy. We vibrate and attract disease if we worry about the condition and read statistics that scare us about many people touched by illness. This works perfectly in a relationship when you need someone to love you.

In agreement, we are a magnet for prosperity if we live in financial abundance. If we are anxious that we do not have enough money, our offer is poverty, and the Universe’s vibration has no choice but to respond to our vibration matches – more poverty. Whenever we focus on something with positive or negative emotion, we say to the universe, “More of this, please!”

Because of what resembles gather, it can be concluded that health attracts more health, prosperity attracts more prosperity, and happiness attracts happiness.

Attraction Formula. Our vibration is composed of our thoughts accompanied by feelings. The universe responds to this offer by matching vibrational responses. We draw the essence of what we think and feel at any time.

Focus on what you want

Our feelings tell us if we are attracting and creating what we want or are in the process of attracting and creating what we do not wish to. When we feel good, we feel love, joy, and appreciation – our vibrations are significant and match our desired circumstances. When we feel bad – angry, fearful, powerless – our vibrations are low, and we match vibrational circumstances you do not want in spades. Also, low vibrations forbid us from getting what we want. When we base our thoughts on our feelings, we become conscious creators of our lives.

Focus on what you want. It is essential to realize that the Law of Attraction works equally to attract our dreams and nightmares. As we think and feel, we write the script ourselves life. We write about the unfortunate scenario of being in agony because of a fear that could happen. We look forward with excitement to celebrating something that we want strong. We are planning to do so and invite it into a happy experience.

Usually, each of us’ personal history can provide an answer. According to our mental structure’s particularities, we are attracted, resembling someone else, an “someone else” significant in our past. Therefore, in a row, it often happens to be an attraction by people who like each other either physically or through their way of being or going into a relationship with each other.

In a way, a love spell to get someone back is like the law of attraction. Energies make things you wish for to happen. If you want something to change in your life, you can take advantage of my free Wicca spellcasting service!