Cast a Wicca love spell: stop a divorce or a breakup

Are you on the verge of divorce or breakup? Are you about to lose the man you love the most in the world due to some unexplainable distance or other unavoidable circumstances? Do you think that there is no hope at all? Are you finally giving up? If you have only one affirmative word to answer all these questions, you need something to bring hope and mend your broken heart. A medium called “magick” will help you mend your situation and get that man nearer to you. Wiccan spells will be your perfect option in such a situation.

Like all the other free Wiccan love spells, this one is also quite easy and uncomplicated. The ingredients that you require are all available in your kitchen. So, you do not need to go to the supermarket before you cast this spell. Ensure that no one disturbs you when performing the spell to make someone love you. If you can do it right, you will get what you want. The ingredients you will need are:

  • a piece of parchment paper,
  • a wooden pencil,
  • a red candle,
  • a teaspoon of each basil and cacao,
  • 6 drops of rose oil
  • and wooden matches.

To perform this spell, you have to draw your circle. Then, you have to light the candle and do that consciously. You also have to be very alert throughout the total performance. Then, you must write your name on the parchment and your husband’s name underneath. In the next step, add three drops of rose oil and dried herbs to each name. Then, you have to take up the candle and hold it high. You have to open up your soul and spirit to make the spell work at this point in time.

After holding the candle up, you have to drop liquid wax on the mixture on the paper and continue this process until the whole thing gets covered in wax. While dropping wax, you have to wish your divorce or breakup to stop with as much mental power as you can master. After the whole thing gets covered in wax, blow the candle off and say your wish loudly. Wrap the paper and dispose of it off to nature. You can burn it, bury it, or dispose of it in some water body. You have to light the remaining candle during the next full moon until it is finished. This way, you will be able to thwart your divorce or breakup.