The secrets of using love charms to win back your ex-lover

Magical charms are practices whose real purpose is potentiation by autosuggestion of the forces of the one who uses them. They’re a way to do yourself a favor, and with all apparent naivety, the significant effects of charms are sometimes challenging to understand even by their recipient. Using simple means to relieve bodily or spiritual suffering, anyone can step on without fear of magic.

No special training is required to cast a spell, and it may be submitted at any time of the day or night except on holidays. Witches in the past maintained bodily and spiritual cleanliness, staying fast during the day when they performed charms and got good results.

If you are truly in love with your ex and want him/her back, we present two easy charms to help you get her/him back.

For the first love charm, you need:

  • a long red wire,
  • dried rosemary,
  • an envelope,
  • a coin that you found outside
  • and a compass.

Write the lover’s name inside the envelope. Rub the Currency with rosemary and hold rosemary in your clenched fist, repeat lover’s name four times, each time in a different direction. First north, then east, then south, and finally west.

Seal the currency in an envelope, kiss it, and twist it. Tie the red wire around the envelope. Put it away in one of your favorite places. Take the rosemary outside and throw it into the wind. While thinking about your lover, utter:

“…come back to me,
come back to me,
come back to me!”

So, the wind will carry the desire to find and bring your love back.

Another Powerful Wiccan charm to bring back your lost lover:

With this powerful Wiccan charm, start on Saturday evening. At sunset, take water from a well and put it in a clay pot that you put under an icon. Sunday morning, taking the lead of holy Basil and laws him with a silver coin with a red silk thread and puts it in a pot near a fire. Take the pot with both hands and say:

“Sunday morning

I got up

The black eyes (blue, green, brown) I washed

the charm took in hand

Three times I charm

I love together

I threw myself

Sunday morning

I restrained

I rode him

On the trail we went,

By the holy water

To holy water

Living water, hard water

What of the mountain rises.

I looked up

I looked down

I looked at the sunrise

I looked at the sunset

And wonder what I saw,

Up the river

Mary sat!

I knee I fell

I did request,

Mary was

What was my grief,

Water was taken in hand

She was beautiful and washed:

Head of goat hair

The wolf’s body hair

The father’s dull hair

The hands of dog hair

From the cheek of trouble

And let me clean and bright

As silver slipped

With the sun, I dressed

I heated the month

Stars on my shoulder caught

Head, the sky with stars

Feet, the earth with flowers

When I speak, the wind will whisper,

When I kept silent, the pearl would spread.

When I saw it before

All I hug

Who I saw in the back

Everyone to see me beautiful

I love little children

The biggest honor I

Being the chosen

The great of

And with fun

And with glue

How is basil

Put in mind of kings

So let me be,

Especially even more attention.

How is silver lover

And put in mind of all,

So let me

More loving and attention.

What’s red silk

More noble and beautiful,

So let me

And especially beautiful,

And with fun

And with glue

Than everyone

Than all the great

Than all small

Than all the valiant

Than all the girls

Than all wives.

To be more beautiful

And with fun

And with glue

Especially shoved into account even

Than all the great

Than all small

Than all the valiant!”

When you want to be noticed by anyone, at the end charms mention:

“How the hearth fire burning

And fire hearth

Like heartburn

In small and large

But hard to …………

How to draw smoke of cart

That to draw myself

And small and large

But louder”

Come on outside, facing east, and wash your face and chest with magic water. Basil and the coin you must wear on you. Not only slight basil flavor will make you fun and charm but free of shyness and doubts, let me show you the way you are, clean, cheerful, charming, worthy to be looked for and loved.