Love spell to get a lost lover back or win your ex back

Human beings are forging towards more complexities day by day. Breakups and anti-climaxes in relationships are common these days. No one wants such consequences in a relationship, though! To save a relationship, we make several desperate attempts. Some of them work temporarily, and some fail permanently. So what is the solution? This question is worth a million dollars to those undergoing a hard time after being parted from their boyfriends or girlfriends. Well, have you ever heard about someone casting a spell to save a relationship? Many of us have heard of this but never dared to try one.

The importance of understanding what love is, to cast love spells that work

Love is a powerful emotion and a bit complicated, too. Philosophers say it is all about instant thoughts that come from the heart. Scientists claim it is the chemical reaction between hormones that are secret from the glands of the brain. Whatever it is, love is something beautiful and unique. The feeling cannot be shared totally or cannot be conveyed to someone quickly. Love is divine, but relationships deal with many complex issues in life. A relationship can stumble upon a lot of things. It can be some social stigma or some egos clashing. Relationships often go through hard times. Even after all these complexities, some relationships go steadily and smoothly. Some of them end up in an anti-climax.

Chose Wicca to cast your love spells

Wicca spells are generally mistaken as black magick, worthless superstition, or malpractice. In reality, you will be stunned to know that Wiccan spells are not black magick but white magick. Wicca spells can change your life if you put your faith into it.

So many people actually experienced fantastic results with magick spells. Whether it is to save a relationship from deteriorating or stopping a divorce, Wiccan spells can deliver precise results.

Magick is not strictly for the believers. Even if you are not sure about this, give it a try! There is nothing harmful in doing a white magick spell. Do not think much about the outcome. Just read and perform the magick spells. You will definitely experience positive changes in your life.

A luck charm can remove all negativity from a relationship. If you have lost your girlfriend or boyfriend and want to get back in touch with her or him again, spells and potions are definitely a good way to do that. Many people started with doubt and ended up with faith in the super magical power of Wicca.

Magick spells to make someone love you

Being loved is the most beautiful thing to happen in anyone’s life. Being loved by parents, elders, and siblings is great, but we ultimately reach a new level of love when we are loved by someone we do not know. For most of us, there comes a time when we fall in love with someone we never met, and this feeling is like no other.

Being loved is something that cannot be only expressed with words. No matter how many words even I put down, it would not be enough to describe the scenario of being loved.

The vice versa is the most painful scenario that can occur in one’s life. It happens too often: We love someone, but that person does not love us back, or no one loves us. This scenario is beyond our control; it starts controlling us and drives us crazy.

Many waste their lives, falling into depression from not being loved. We are not here today to mourn for those, but instead, we are here to find a way to make someone love you.

Cast yourself or hire a professional?

Magick spells are the best options in such a situation; they do not hurt anyone and help you establish what you want. A magick “spell to make someone love you” would do the work. If you are not interested in doing the spell alone, you can turn to a professional spell caster. Some (like myself) offer free spellcasting services. If you need speedy results, then you should consider using very powerful spell casters. (they have a fee of 100 USD and up)

Professional spell caster understands your situation better

These kinds of professional love spell casters have a typical way of working. They would first give you a consultation (online, primarily for free), which generally is a session they will have with you over the phone or face to face, and they will let you talk. They will listen calmly and analyze your love-related problem. Then, they will perform powerful love spells that work for you. They might also make a portion known as love portions, to be used either by you or on the person you want to make love you. They might also give you a charm or amulet to wear. W

hen you visit a free love spell caster, make sure you elaborate on your love problem properly because love for you could be mental or physical, and a spell would be cast accordingly. Though it is always advisable to approach professional love physics, you might also find many love spells online, and that too for free. Below, I have shared a love spell to make someone love you; try it out only on the person you are ready to commit to.

Try this great love spell to make someone truly love you

You would need a dark red hearth shape candle, a picture of the person whom you want to make love you, your own picture, some paper pins, rose petals – red in color and twelve of them, a piece of paper cut into equal halves, rose water and rose-flavored incense stick. You need to cast this spell around 1 A.M. during the night of a full moon.

  • First, write your and the other person’s names on each equal half of the paper. Then, stick your picture with the other person’s name and the other person’s with your picture, with the help of the paper pins.
  • Now dip it into the rose water and cover it with rose petals—six each, three on each side, front and back—and stick it to the dark red heart-shaped candle.
  • First light up the incense sticks surrounding the candle, then light up the candle, once done chant the below-written spell the same number of times as in the total number of alphabets in both the name sums up to. Make sure you are facing the moon.
  • Once you complete chanting the spell, let the candle burn and turn into ashes. Collect all the ashes from the candle, the picture, names, rose petals, and the incense sticks together.
  • Put it in a glass bottle and mix the rose water with it. Shake it well so that it becomes a mixture. Within the next five days OR for all five days, make sure to throw a little bit of the mixture on the person of your choice whose picture was already used. By the sixth day, the person will start loving you and only you.

“Eros, take my offerings
Send in the Cupids
Let them pierce the arrows of love to thy and (s)he
Let the love flow as clearly as rosewater
Let the love smell as nice as rose petals
I pray to the almighty Eros, release the cupids on me and (s)he.”