How to recover lost money, the Wiccan way

You might have seen or read about people taking the help of Wicca magick to get money or win at a casino. Still, today, I would like to state that Wicca is a religion that practices casting free money spells to help those who need it. I mean to say that Wicca can bring money to you with its powerful spells and get you back your own money, which you might have lost, or someone took it by cheating or deceiving you.

A good example could be a house robbery where the robber takes your belongings and valuables. The chock of the crime can lead to depression. Even calling the police to report and investigate the theft will most likely not lead to getting your things back. Very few robberies and break-ins end well for the victim.

If you visit a witch or a spell caster practicing Wicca and tell them about your problem, they will suggest a spell on how to recover lost money. Though there are many different ways to cast this spell using Wiccan magic, most would also put slight pressure on your pocket, thus looking for a free spell from a spell caster, or else you can cast the below-written spell yourself.

Free Wicca Spells for money

To cast a free money spell, you would need chart paper, a lime green twisted candle, and some peppermint oil. Write the amount of money you have lost on the paper, and then take some peppermint oil in your hand and rub it on the candle and the paper. Light up the candle and let it burn for five minutes. When the candle burns, chant the spell below for five minutes (the max you can chant, the better). Fold the paper so that the amount cannot be seen, and seal the paper with the help of the wax from the candle. Go to a nearby river and throw the paper into the flowing water. In a week or two, you will recover your lost money. The amount would be exactly the same as what you have written on the paper.

Please note: the amount written on the paper should be exactly the same amount you have lost and want to recover. A penny more or a penny less will not make the spell work. You also need to remember that the amount you have lost or the money you want to recover should be the amount you have lost or been robbed of by someone.

“Lucusumus vericolum
Come to me mote it be
Come to me mote it be
Totum titotama
Biglusium lucurevism
What I lost was mine
Bring it back to thine
I wait for days, weeks, months, and years
Those who took it away bring thy say
Lucusumus vericolum
Come to me mote it be
Come to me mote it be
Totum titotama
Biglusium lucurevism”