Wicca Spell to Protect Your House from Evil Spirits

Whether you feel threatened at your own house or not, house protection spells are very effective and create positive vibes in your house. It is good for the household members, too. You will observe specific changes soon after successfully employing house protection spells. You will find your kids more energetic and your wife or husband jollier than ever. However, house protection spells become compulsions when evils or negative energies capture your house. Wicca spells have the magical power to protect you completely from that evil.

People generally do not believe in Wicca’s magical theory. Actually, they do not understand the logic and science behind it. Wiccan spells are not something out of the world. In fact, they are kind of boons for the humanity of this world. There is a certain number of house protection rituals available in Wiccan philosophy. You can choose one among them which is most suitable for you.

Salt and Herbs

Remember that salt is a prime ingredient in the Wiccan rituals. For the house’s protection from the presence of evil, salt is generously used, along with some herbs. For best results, you must use coarse sea salt. If you fail to find that, then do not worry; regular table salt is good enough to solve your purpose. Now, scatter the salt in different parts of your house. Do not miss the dark places, windowsills, and doorways. Now, you can add some herbs for quick and better results. Some herbs are Witch Hazel, Fennel, Rue, Anise, etc.

Object Burials

In witch-cult, burying some magical substance near or into the house is widespread for house protection. The feedback on such measures is excellent and very encouraging for others. Some of these magical elements are:

  • Witch Bottle – A witch bottle is a powerful charm you can easily create. If you feel you are not confident enough to do this, then find a good spell caster. He or she will give you a complete solution for this. Remember to always use a glass bottle, not a plastic one. With that bottle, you can add more magical charms, such as rusty nails, mirrors, etc.
  • Stones or Crystals – Burying stones or crystals are common spells in Wiccan philosophy, commonly used for house protection from evil power. Black stones and genuine Ambers are used for this purpose. They have amazing effects. Soon, your house will be filled with an aura of sheer positivity.